Romeo and Juliet Act 1 - Scene Development

How does your scene contribute to the development of ideas in Act 1?

Act 1 establishes the feud between the two families. The feud netween the Capulets and Montagues involves all the people of Verona. We learn that Juliet (Capulet) is of an age to marry and her parents have found her a worthy suitor, Paris. Romeo (Montague) is fickle (changeable) in love. He is heartbroken over Rosaline and then falls head over heels in love with Juliet at first sight. 

We also meet supporting characters. There is Benvolio (Montague) who is a cousin to Romeo and his best friend. Mercurtio is a neutral party, but he likes to hang out with the Montagues. His name is derived from the word mercury. Just like the nature of the element he is quick to change in emotional temperature. We also meet Tybalt (Capulet), who is enraged when Romeo shows up at a Capulet party. He wants to begin a duel on the spot but is stopped by Lord Capulet. Tybalt vows vengeance. 

I suggest you think about how your scene provides information about character motivation and feelings. Then tell how that supports the plot.  ~A good answers tells how this scene connects to the overall message/theme of the play. What is Shakespeare telling his reader to think? 

Tip: Think about the Prologue. They reveal the entire plot and suggest the theme of the entire play. 

Good luck. 


  1. Act 1 Scene 2 contributes to Act 1 be establishing the role of marriage for Juliet. Juliet is required to follow her father's rule. He has brokered a potential marriage for her with Paris. This seals the deal; Juliet is now star-crossed from Romeo because her father would require her to marry Paris. This adds one more obstacle to the romance, as if a feud wasn't enough to prevent two lovers from getting married! We learn Paris' intentions when he says,
    "Of honorable reckoning are you both.
    And pity ’tis you lived at odds so long.
    But now, my lord, what say you to my suit?" (Act 1, Scene 2, lines 4-6).

    Paris is so anxious for the marriage that he dismisses Capulet's concerns about the feud. He interrupts him and asks about his request to marry Juliet. Act 1 establishes the potential problems one would see over the course of the play. Just one of those problems is Paris wanting to marry Juliet. Rather, Juliet would rather marry Romeo.

  2. This is compared to Act 1 Scene 1 because Romeo was going to the party to forget about the woman he's in love with. Romeo was just recently in love. The woman he was in love with didn't love him back because she wanted to be a nun and she broke his hear. Therefore, his cousin, Benvolio, was trying to make him feel better about his lover not loving him back. took Romeo to a party to try and help him forget about Rosalyn and meet a new girl. "By giving liberty unto thine eyes. Examine other beauties. (Lines 223-224)"

  3. This is compared to act 1 scene 1 because Romeo was going to the party to forget about the woman he's in love with. Romeo was just recently in love and the woman, Rosalyn, he was in love with didn't love him back. She didn't love him back because she wanted to be a nun. Therefore, his supportive cousin, Benvolio, was trying to make him feel better about his lover not loving him back. Benvolio took Romeo to a party to try and help him forget about Rosalyn and meet a new girl. In act 1 scene 1 it states, "By giving liberty unto thine eyes. Examine other beauties." The quote shows when they decide to go to the party.

  4. act 1 scene 3 helps developed the theme of star crossed by talking about entertaining the idea of marrying pairs. But she is hasn't thought about it before, once she has this idea she meets the rival familys boy Romeo and falls in love. She wants to marrie him but can't for it is forbidden. She is trapped in a situational "Peace, I have done. God mark thee to his grace!
    Thou wast the prettiest babe that e'er I nursed:
    An I might live to see thee married once,
    I have my wish."(64-67) this shows how difficult it is for her.

    1. I like how you explained your quote and all the information you provided. Your comparison to act 1 scene 3 was elaborate and well written. Good job. Just a little misspellings and capitalization errors.

  5. Act 1, Scene 3, contributes to how the Act is developed by, expressing and illustrating how Lady Capulet and Nurse brought up marrige to Juliet. Juliet then expresses that she has not thought about marrige. As example, she says "It is an honour that I dream not of." (Act 1,Scene 3,Line 71). Meaning, that she has never thought of it and she doesn't dream of it yet because she hasn't seen or met anyone yet that is good enough. This also contributes because her mother wants consent from Juliet to marry her off. Also Lady Capulet wants consent to be able to meet, Paris, which wants to marry her.

    1. I like how you compared Act 1, scene 3 to act 1 its very elaborated and nicely worded.
      Your quote goes well with your Scene

  6. Act 1 scene 3 helps develop the theme of star crossed by talking about the idea of marriage to Juliet. But the ting was Juliet was only 14 ans she hasn't really sit down and thought about it. The nurse and Lady Capulate wanted her to marry this "pretty rich boy" named Paris. Juliet didn't want to tell them about Romeo who is in the family rivalry the Monetque.
    "Well, think of marriage now; younger than you,
    Here in Verona, ladies of esteem,
    Are made already mothers: by my count,
    I was your mother much upon these years
    That you are now a maid. Thus then in brief:
    The valiant Paris seeks you for his love." (Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 74-79).

    1. I liked all of your information. I also liked your quote but I feel like you could've chosen a shorter quote. You also need to explain your quote some more. You need to work on your spelling.

    2. Your comment is solid until you state the thing about Romeo, at this point they hadn't meet besides that it is very good.Good job on citing the quote this one isn't bad maybe another one would have been better.

  7. This is compared to act one, scene one cause romeo was going to a party to forget about the girl he was in love with. Romeo was just recently in love, but the woman that he loved didn't love him back. She didn't love him back because she wanted to be a nun. "By giving liberty unto thine eyes. Examine other beauties".

    1. I liked the quote you used. You explanation is a little fuzzy and unclear. To improve this quote try to explain what the quote mean and how it connects.

  8. Scene one introduces the feud between the Capulets and the Montegues. This contributes to the development of ideas in Act 1. The quote, "I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword,
    Or manage it to part these men with me." Benivolio is trying to stop the fight between the Capulets and the Montegues. The quotes means the Benivolio wants to keep peace but he can't do it without having a fight.

    1. You have done a great job at explaining the quote.Next time add more in transition of starting the quote don't just say it.

  9. Act 1 Scene 5, contributes to the development of ideas in Act 1 by showing the reader how Romeo and Juliet stay together despite the family feud. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight basically saying there going to get together regardless , because otherwise we wouldn't have a story .This is an essential part of the story that we need to keep the story going on. "Go ask his name - If he is married .My grave is like to be my wedding bed" (Act 1,Scene 5, lines 133).This quote shows how passionate they feel about each other.

    1. Your comment is very clear and very well explained. The quote that you included explained the significance of your scene very well. I like how you explained your quote so we know what it is saying and what it means.

  10. Scene 5, Act 1 contributes by showing their love and lack of care that it would be disgraceful to their family. The quote, ''Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged. Give me my sin again." shows this because he is remarking about how he'd like to kiss her again even though his family would be ashamed. It leads to the further development of the story where their devotion to each other ends up killing them, because they will sacrifice everything to be with each other.

    1. Good use of word choice in your comment. Good comparison to the summary above. I like how you explained the quote. I don't see any capitalization errors nor do I see any spelling errors.

  11. Scene one contributes to the development of ideas in Act one by introducing the fued between the Capitulates and the Monegasques. Gregory said " are you trying to start a fight." He was trying to start a fight with the Monegasques Gregory was a Capulate and they were rivals with the Monegasques. They both hate each other because when Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other it caused a major fight and the Capulets were wanting to fight.

  12. Scene one contributes to the development of ideas in Act one by introducing the ancient feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. The quote "I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword,
    Or manage it to part these men with me." is showing that the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues is coming up again. The quote means that Benvolio is trying to keep the peace, but he has to fight in order to do so.

  13. Act 1 scene 3 contributes to Act 1 because in the scene it is explaining how the Nurse and Lady Capulet wants Juliet to get married. Juliet explains that she doesn't mind getting married but she has never really thought about it. Lady Capulet states, "Well, marriage is exactly what we have to discuss. Tell me, my daughter Juliet, what is your attitude about getting married?" Then Juliet replies, "It is an honor that I do not dream of." This shows that she has never really thought about marriage but she doesn't really care if she does get married or not.

    1. I loved the quote you used it explains what it means and it's somewhat clear. To make this better you might want to make your explanation of the quote a little more clear. Other then that your comment was good.

    2. Your reply has very good content and your quote goes with your story very good. more the less your scene is very intriguing on what i can tell and i would like to read your scene.

    3. I like how you told us what the scene was about before going into why it is significant to Act one. I like how you put two quotes to fully develop your ideas. I also like how you explained the quotes.

  14. Scene one contributes to the development of ideas in Act one by introducing the feud between the Capitulates and the Monegasques.Gregory said ''Are you trying to start a fight.'' Gregory was trying to start a fight with the Monegasques because the capitulates were enemies with the Monegasques.

    C. Akers


  15. Act 1 , scene 5 contributes to Act 1 because Romeo and Juliet has fallen in love but there family's don't want them together. Romeo and Juliet have fallen in love and they want to be together but the family of Juliet don't like the family of Romeo and vise versa. Tybolt don't like Romeo because of a feud going on between their family's.
    "Patience perforce with willful choler meeting
    Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting.
    I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall
    Now seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall."
    I chose this quote because this is the scene were u would find out that Tybolt finds Romeo kissing Juliet and doesn't agree with this.

  16. Act 1 scene 5 contributes to Act 1 because Romeo and Juliet have fallen in love but their parents don't want them together. They are having a feud because they are both to good families that get the same amount of respect. To get the attention Romeo and Juliet kiss cause they love each other so much that they don't wanna be apart from each other.

  17. Act 1 Scene 5, contributes to the development of ideas in Act 1 by showing the reader how Romeo and Juliet stay together despite the family feud. With out Romeo and Juliet fall in love there would not have been a story. An example of this would be "Go ask his name - If he is married .My grave is like to be my wedding bed" (Act 1,Scene 5, lines 133). This shows Juliet love for Romeo this is very important it the story their love change them.


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